
As you may be aware, the Clean Water Act creates federal jurisdiction over certain types of waters in the U.S. Under federal law, those jurisdictional waters may include wetlands, which then become subject to additional federal regulation and control.

Prior to development within LID 19, small areas within LID 19 were identified as potentially jurisdictional wetlands. Accordingly, the developer requested approval from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to develop the area, subject to certain requirements in a permit issued by the USACE.

Under the USACE wetlands permit, certain small wetlands that may have been impacted by the development of LID 19 were required to be preserved as natural wetlands sites (see map). The LID’s ability to modify these natural wetlands is somewhat limited, and the Board works with environmental specialists to identify limited maintenance that is permissible under the permit. However, the LID may have some ability to remove dead or decaying trees and other vegetation that may impede drainage or otherwise pose an unreasonable public health and safety risk. If you are concerned about any of the wetlands sites, please feel free to contact the LID through the “contact me” tab. Please be aware that these wetlands sites are not intended as public recreational sites, and we encourage the exercise of caution near these areas.

Feral Hogs

Consistently near the end of the summer, there is a migration of feral hogs that periodically finds itself in the confines of LID 19. We have received a few notices from residents regarding the hogs and what can be done about them. It is important to note that it is the LID’s primary responsibility to protect the levees. In some parts of our LID and throughout the county, LID’s have erected hog fencing to prevent the animals from gaining access to levees where they can cause damage and threaten the integrity of a levee. As a side benefit, the barriers have been successful in limiting their access to homes.

The hog fencing can help, but it is an open system. Hogs, if desired, can travel to the LID 19 interior simply through roads. This means that there is no foolproof barrier method. To help prevent their interest in your property; we suggest the following…

  1. Treat your lawn for grub worms, a favorite source of food for the hogs.
  2. Do not leave any food outside. This is for human or pet foods.
  3. Ensure that your trash is well secured and not accessible.

It is also advisable that you write to your state and federal representatives. The feral hog problem is not contained just in our area, and a regional effort is needed. They need to hear from you to know it is an issue of note.

2020 Tax Rate

As part of the September LID 19 Board of Directors Meeting, the board voted to lower the LID tax rate from 68 cents down to 56 cents per $100 of assessed value for the 2020 tax year. This change will be a total tax rate reduction of approximately 18% for residents.

The District is primarily responsible for overseeing storm drainage and maintaining the levee system that protects homes from rising water. The District is also working to implement major capital improvements that increase resilience against flooding. The lowered tax rate will still allow the District to continue to provide these improvements and services while also paying down the District’s debt.

District residents are encouraged to stay tuned to www.fblid19.com for news in the District and follow the District Facebook page for updates.